Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a condition characterized by a steady, that is, increase in blood pressure detected by repeated measurements. Accompanying many diseases, it is considered a risk factor for the development of dangerous complications of the cardiovascular system, including stroke and myocardial infarction. Hypertension, as the main cause of the pathology under consideration, requires taking medications, normalizing the patient's lifestyle and nutrition.
Everyone has heard complaints about high blood pressure from the people around them. Hypertension according to statistics is observed in 20-30% of the adult population of the earth.
This disease is found everywhere and in many countries it is the leading cause of death. It is important to note that in 90% of cases, this disease is diagnosed as independent, primary or essential arterial hypertension. And only in every tenth patient is concomitant. This disease develops against the background of ailments of the kidneys, lungs, endocrine glands.
What is hypertension?
Chronic disease, expressed in a constant or periodic increase in pressure. Doctors in almost all developed countries mark this disease as an epidemic of the 21st century. In Europe and the US, it is detected in one in two older people. Half of the cases are fatal. The scale of the incidence is impressive and alarming. And although there has been great progress in the treatment of older people in recent decades, it is still an insidious and dangerous disease. This is due to the fact that hypertension in the initial stages is asymptomatic. But the disease causes significant harm to health - it depletes the cardiovascular system. It is important that people at risk do not neglect prevention and treatment.
Causes and symptoms of hypertension.
The reasons for the appearance of pathology are different. Most of the time, doctors can't find them at all. Especially when it comes to primary hypertension. But the causes of somatic (secondary) arterial hypertension can be established. It occurs in 10% of patients with high blood pressure. main reasons
- kidney damage or glomerulonephritis;
- renal artery stenosis;
- congenital narrowing of the aorta;
- increased functions of the internal glands, in particular, the thyroid;
- against the background of tumors of the adrenal glands, malignant hypertension is formed;
- alcoholism:
- medicinal - develops during long-term use of hormonal drugs, antidepressants, etc.
Symptoms of hypertension
Treatment at the initial stage is complicated by the fact that this disease does not have specific symptoms. Many patients are unaware of the presence of the disease. They have no complaints about their health, they lead an active lifestyle. Although they occasionally present episodes of weakness, dizziness and mild nausea.
Despite the serious consequences, many people do not take this disease seriously, neglecting prevention and treatment. In the early stages, the development of this disease can be stopped. Complaints in patients appear when the "targets" are damaged. These are the organs whose functioning depends on blood pressure. Complications of the disease occur most often in the heart and blood vessels.
There are symptoms, although not specific, for which arterial hypertension is suspected. This is weakness, flies before the eyes, numbness of the limbs. All these signs are temporary. But the main symptom is headaches.
Degrees and stages of hypertension.
- Mild or first - SBP 140-159 / DBP 90-99.
- Limit or second - 160-179 / 100-109.
- Severe or third degree - 180 and more / 110+.
Assign another form of the disease. This is isolated systolic hypertension. His indicators are SBP above 140 / PAD below 90.
With an increase in blood pressure, the target organs are the first to suffer. According to the pathological changes, the disease is divided into stages:
- 1 - No changes in target organs are observed.
- 2- Changes are established in several organs.
- Stage 3: Associated clinical conditions are recorded.
Risk factors for developing hypertension
- Years. This disease is most often diagnosed in women over 65 years of age, in men over 55 years of age.
- Cholesterol exceeds the content of more than 6, 5 mmol per liter.
- Hereditary diseases of the cardiovascular system in a straight ascending line.
- Prolonged smoking.
- The presence of diabetes.
- Hypertension develops with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.
All risk factors are divided into two groups. Correctable - that can be removed. This includes diabetes, smoking, cholesterol, obesity. Incorrigible - these are those that are not subject to medical influence: bad heredity and age. In this case, in order not to provoke the development of arterial hypertension, it is necessary to follow the recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle.
hypertension in women
It differs from men. First of all, there are forms of the disease that are not recorded in the strong half of humanity, for example, hypertension during menopause and during pregnancy. Secondly, according to statistics, 41% of women have pathology. Therefore, vascular hypertension is more often a problem of the weaker sex. In the beautiful half, the disease is more difficult. Blood pressure readings are usually higher. Although in women at a young age, this disease is recorded less often.
Pathology coexists with other ailments and aggravates their course. As a result, a woman has a whole "bouquet" of ailments, such as diabetes, obesity, varicose veins and metabolic disorders. All this complicates the treatment process.
The role of women in society has changed. On her shoulders, in addition to household chores and child rearing, rest those duties that are more inherent to men. More and more women are pursuing a career, a business, and sometimes supporting a family. Hence the tension, stress and overload. And this does not lead to better health, but to worsen it. Do not forget that the predisposition to hypertension is hereditary. Therefore, women who have relatives with high blood pressure in a straight line ascending should not forget about prevention and regular examination.
Finally, female hypertension causes many more problems. It gives more complications, for example, often women in old age develop a stroke against the background of the disease. The heart also suffers. Women should not neglect treatment and be more attentive to well-being. It is important not to miss the first signs of a developing disease.
hypertension during pregnancy
As a rule, it comes to light in the second trimester. It manifests itself at 20-21 weeks of gestation and can disappear after the birth of the baby. All women who have high blood pressure are at risk for placental abruption and pre-eclampsia. With pronounced hypertension in pregnant women, the tactics of carrying out childbirth also change, and it is possible to prescribe a cesarean section.
Methods for the treatment of hypertension.
It is carried out with the help of medical preparations. They can temporarily eliminate the main symptoms, but the disease is not cured. Almost all methods of treatment are aimed at reducing the risks associated with the development of serious complications, such as strokes and heart attacks, as well as improving the patient's quality of life.
Modern treatment is not focused on lowering the pressure, but on eliminating the very cause of the emerging pathology. Antihypertensive drugs do not solve this problem. In order to achieve truly tangible results, treatment is carried out strictly individually, all causes of the development of the disease are taken into account. The etiology of hypertension may be associated with liver and biliary tract dysfunction. Then acupressure will be effective for treatment. In other cases, high blood pressure is associated with kidney failure. It often develops against the background of obesity. Then the patient is prescribed a weight-correcting diet and various methods of physiotherapy.
Drugs for the treatment of hypertension
Traditional treatment is carried out with medications. Constant monitoring of blood pressure is required. It must be in a stable state. For this, groups of drugs are used. Its action is based on different mechanisms of influence, but all help to reduce pressure.
- Potassium antagonists They block calcium channels in the vessel walls, while the spaces increase.
- Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. These drugs in the treatment of hypertension block the synthesis of renin, which has a direct effect on the increase in blood pressure.
- B blockers. These high blood pressure pills lower the heart rate.
- diureticsThese are diuretics. They help reduce fluid in the body, which lowers blood pressure.
It is important to understand that even new drugs are strictly prohibited without consulting a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous and ineffective. Only a cardiologist can choose the right remedy.
diet for hypertension
Doctors in pathology recommend changing the diet. One of the tasks during the treatment of this disease is the normalization of weight and metabolic processes in the body. To do this, follow a series of strict requirements. First of all, reduce your salt intake. Its main component, sodium, prevents the elimination of water from the body. This increases blood volume, which raises blood pressure. Second, they reject green and black tea. You don't have to drink coffee either. These products cause vasospasm and increase the load on the heart. Try to avoid fatty foods. Remove butter and sausage from the diet.
It is better to choose products of plant origin. Eat more vegetables. They are rich in fiber, which helps reduce blood cholesterol levels. Dried apricots, carrots, cabbage and beets increase the amount of such important mineral elements as magnesium and potassium in the body. These substances strengthen the walls of the blood vessels and the muscles of the heart. The food must be divided. Divide your daily ration into 5 equal portions. Breaks between meals no more than 3 hours.
Finally, lifestyle is important in hypertension. Give up alcohol and tobacco. Eliminate all convenience foods and fast food from your diet. Don't starve! With hypertension, strict diets are not allowed, stress is contraindicated for the body.
Treatment with folk remedies.
The positive side of such drugs is that they have been tested by time and by more than a generation. Phytotherapy is of great help in the treatment. Sedative herbs are used, which produce a calming effect on the body. This group of plants includes hawthorn, chamomile, valerian, lemon balm, mint. Lemon, honey, and rose hips also help lower blood pressure. Green tea helps a lot. Some recipes that help in the treatment of hypertension:
- Honey is mixed with lemon and beet juice (liquid ratio 1: 1). Stir well and drink a third of a glass an hour after eating.
- Of all the herbs, hawthorn especially helps. The tincture is taken 10 drops in the morning every day.
- Well lowers blood pressure - blueberries. It is enough to eat a glass of this berry in the morning.
- Lemon balm, mint, and valerian are steamed in equal amounts in a water bath. Five times a day, drink half a glass of this infusion. It has a calming and relaxing effect.
diabetes and hypertension
Pathologies are interrelated. They have a mutually reinforcing effect aimed at disrupting the function of several target organs at once. Tests for hypertension aggravated by diabetes mellitus often indicate damage to the blood vessels in the brain and retina of the eyes, the heart, and the kidneys. In this scenario of disease development, the main cause of death is usually coronary heart disease, heart attack, and kidney failure.
It is important for diabetes to identify hypertension at an early stage. This will allow you to prescribe the appropriate treatment and prevent serious complications from the kidneys and the cardiovascular system.
Prevention of hypertension
It is appropriate for those who have among the blood relatives of people with this disease, especially in a direct line (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather). After 30 years, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations, even if there are no obvious signs of the development of the disease. For people at risk, alcohol and smoking are contraindicated. They need to follow a low-salt, low-fat diet. Physical exercise is important for prevention. You can jog, walk, ride a bike. You need to avoid shocks and stress, lead a measured lifestyle.